Top 10 Trends in Business Intelligence in 2012

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Learn how the overall pressure on organizations to do more with less is putting a spotlight on what BI can do for a company like never before.

Are you ready? – BI has become a mainstream discussion this year.

“Companies with enlightened IT staffs and business leaders who recognize the business impact of IT are achieving spectacular results from BI projects.”

This paper highlights the top 10 trends we're seeing, including:

  • Big data gets even bigger
  • Self-reliance is the new self-service
  • Mobile adoption goes mainstream
  • Interactive data visualization becomes a requirement
  • Companies explore the cloud
  • And 5 more…

The last few years have seen a sea changes in business intelligence. The proliferation of data and advances in technologies are pushing the pace of innovation. What trends are we seeing so far in 2012?

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We’ve seen a seismic shift. More and more people are seeking information. It’s flowing more freely.

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