R integration

Import R packages, libraries or any of your saved data models into Tableau.

Level of support
Tableau Server, Tableau Cloud
Programming languages

R is a popular open-source environment for statistical analysis. Tableau can now connect to R through calculated fields and take advantage of R functions, libraries, packages and even saved models. These calculations dynamically invoke the R engine and pass values to R via the Rserve package, and are returned back to Tableau.

Use cases

  • Sentiment analysis
  • Prescriptive analytics
  • Decision trees
  • Statistical testing
  • Time-series analysis
  • What-if analysis


  • Tableau makes it faster and easier to identify patterns and build practical models using R.
  • Tableau helps you make sense of your data with the ability to slice, filter and aggregate it with a few clicks – so you can optimise your models before writing a line of code.
  • Communicating your findings is easy: build an interactive dashboard with drop-downs, sliders and other visual cues in minutes.
  • With Tableau, your audience can get the full value of your analysis without handholding, so you can focus on building more impactful models. Keep reading to see how Tableau changes R analytics.