
Excel & Tableau: Transform Your spreadsheet into New Business Insights with the Power of Visual Analytics – Hong Kong

Excel is great for managing data. But to find new business insights from your data, Excel can’t do on its own – it needs the power of visual analytics.

In this webinar, you will see how to discover a wealth of new insights by using Excel and Tableau together. As Tableau natively connects to Excel, you can keep your spreadsheets whilst digging deeper into your data with fast and easy drag-and-drop analytics.

Join this live session and you will learn how to use Excel and Tableau together to enhance your analysis and solve business problems with data in minutes, including:

  • Prepare your Excel data for analysis
  • Combine Excel data with other data sources
  • Create reusable calculation
  • Uncover insights to answer business questions

Register today and see how visual analytics help you to go beyond spreadsheets to get more from your data.

Fast fertig!

Das Ausfüllen dauert nur 15 Sekunden. Wenn Sie bereits registriert sind, melden Sie sich an.

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