
2024 June DataDev Day: Keynote

Catch up on our first DataDev Day from 2024 with the opening Keynote hosted by Kevin Glover, our MC, and Special Guest Ryan Boyd, co-founder at MotherDuck

About the speakers


Kevin Glover

Director, Product Management, Tableau

Kevin Glover is a product management director at Tableau. He works closely with strategic technology partners to define joint projects, solutions, and best practices to help customers solve their analytics problems. In addition, Kevin serves as Tableau's Developer Advocate, showcasing the capabilities of the Tableau platform and promoting the voice of Tableau developers to influence and shape the Tableau product roadmap.


Ryan Boyd

Co-founder at MotherDuck

Ryan Boyd is a Boulder-based software engineer, data + authNZ geek and technology executive. He’s currently a co-founder at MotherDuck, where they’re making data analytics fun, frictionless and ducking awesome. He previously led developer relations teams at Databricks, Neo4j and Google Cloud. He’s the author of O’Reilly’s Getting Started with OAuth 2.0. Ryan advises B2B SaaS startups on growth marketing and developer relations as a Partner at Hypergrowth Partners.

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