Tableau Cloud

Start exploring your data with Tableau Cloud

The power of Tableau, in the cloud.

Get Tableau Cloud

Get started in minutes. Tableau Cloud is secure, cloud-based analytics that scales with your business. Trial the full suite of Tableau's tools, including Data Management and built-in web authoring capabilities with Tableau Cloud.

Prep, publish, and analyze visualizations on the web.

Connect to data anywhere.

Skip the setup time and hardware cost.

Share and collaborate in the cloud.

Experience limitless data exploration and discovery.

5 Reasons to love Tableau Cloud:

  1. Connect to any data, anywhere. Connect to on-prem and cloud-based data without leaving your browser.
  2. Build new workbooks, visualizations, and dashboards in the browser.
  3. Share and collaborate on interactive dashboards, visualizations, and curated data sources with teammates across the business.
  4. Tableau based in the cloud means we handle the setup, manage the hardware, and scales with your business.
  5. With Tableau Cloud, you get industry-leading data protection and the most secure cloud computing environments available on the market. With Tableau Cloud, Trust is built right in.

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