In-Memory or Live Data: Which is Better?

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Learn where in-memory or live reporting might be preferable in various database environments.

The short answer is both. There are times when you need to work within the comfort of your own PC without touching the database. On the other hand, sometimes a live connection to a database is exactly what you need.

The most important thing is not whether you choose in-memory or live, but that you have the option to choose.

Read this whitepaper to learn more about:/p>

  • When it's best to use to use in-memory technology or a live connection.
  • Why most companies will need to use both approaches in different situations.
  • A set of recommendations for evaluating an in-memory solution.
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Basically, if the question is asked we can pull the data in-memory, build the reports, and then serve them time after time to various users.

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