Keynote: Reclaiming Creativity and Agency in the Age of AI with Nathalie Nahai
Every day we’re bombarded by new headlines about AI – from the risks and rewards it poses to our professional and personal lives, to the questions it raises about what it means to be human. As we speed towards a more automated, performance-oriented future, it can be easy to believe there’s increasingly little room for our own ingenuity, creativity and imagination. And yet cutting edge research suggests that when it comes to real human connection, and to a life well lived, there is still a lot to learn about AI's role in our lives. In this revealing talk, we'll take a peek behind the hype, and explore the three universal psychological needs driving human behavior. We’ll unpack how AI can either undermine or enhance our agency, learn about the hidden cost of uniformity, and how - in an increasingly noisy world - we can harness our creativity as an antidote to automation.
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