DataFam Roundup: June 24–28, 2024

A weekly blog that brings together what’s trending in the Tableau Community all in one post.

Welcome! Dig into this week's DataFam Roundup—a weekly blog that brings together community content all in one post. As always, we invite you to send us your content—and the DataFam content from your peers that have inspired you! Find the content submission form here

Community Highlight

To recognize new and consistent Tableau contributors—we’re excited to have a section within the weekly DataFam Roundup called the Tableau Community Highlight. Find out how to get involved. 

Weronika Gawarska-Tywonek, Data Visualization Designer 
Warsaw, Poland

Weronika Gawarska-Tywonek is a Data Visualization Designer. She uses Tableau to translate business requirements into insightful data visualizations. Her process begins with pen and paper to sketch initial concepts, followed by detailed designs in Figma. Tableau then brings these designs to life, enabling the creation of interactive and informative dashboards.

As a leader of the Poland Tableau User Group, Weronika hopes to create a local community where Tableau users can share experiences and best practices. Weronika is also sharing her knowledge through sharing Tableau courses she created driven by her desire to help others navigate their challenges, serving as a jury member for the Make Your Data Speak competition, where she evaluated innovative data visualizations, and writing blog posts about best practices for data visualization, and sharing insights and tips to help others enhance their skills.

Connect with Weronika on LinkedinTableau Public, and on her blog.

DataFam content 

Dive into content created by the Tableau Community: 

Alex Waleczek, VizKu: Colour Manager for Tableau

Team Tableau

Upcoming events and community participation

  • CRM Analytics Community Office Hours! Have CRM Analytics questions? Want to know how to work with data? Want to learn something new? Have visualization ideas you want to share or need feedback on? Want to just hang out with a bunch of us? Come join us (virtual)!
  • Lights, Camera, Action: Tableau and IMDb Launch Data Visualization Campaign for Movie Lovers 
  • DataFam Birthday Roundup! In the effort of continuing support for one another, we thought it would be fun to gather data on DataFam birthdays! If you're willing, could you let us know which day you celebrate your birthday? Just go ahead and pick the day from this year's calendar, since it's a leap year and all possible days are available to choose from!
  • Mentorship Program by the Data Visualization Society
  • Women in Dataviz Virtual Coffee Breaks: Held every sixth Thursday morning and every sixth Wednesday afternoon in the EST time zone, Virtual Coffee Breaks are a casual networking event. Feel free to drop in and out as you need toduring the hour, and stay for as little time or as long as you want.


See the latest Viz of the Day, trending vizzes, featured authors, and more on Tableau Public.

Check out some inspirational vizzes created by the community:

Community Projects

Back 2 Viz Basics 

A bi-weekly project helping those who are newer in the community and just starting out with Tableau. Not limited just to newbies!
Web: Back 2 Viz Basics
X: #B2VB
Week 13: Build a Box & Whisker Plot


Workout Wednesday

Build your skills with a weekly challenge to re-create an interactive data visualization. 
Web: Workout Wednesday
X: #WOW2022
Week 26: Can you filter from a donut without highlighting the pie?


Preppin' Data

A weekly challenge to help you learn to prepare data and use Tableau Prep. 
Web: Preppin’ Data
X: #PreppinData
Week 26: SuperBytes Customer Complaints Part 2


Makeover Monday

Create business dashboards using provided data sets for various industries and departments.
Web: Makeover Monday
X: #MakeoverMonday
Week 26: UEFA EURO 2024 - statistics & facts


DataFam Con 

A monthly challenge covering pop culture and fandoms. 
Web: DataFam Con
X: #DataFamCon
March 2024 Challenge: Sports Movies Edition



A monthly project connecting real education data with real people.
Web: Eduvizzers
June 2024: Data + Movies + Education (IMDB)


Viz for Social Good

Volunteer to design data visualizations that help nonprofits harness the power of data for social change.
Web: Viz for Social Good
X: #VizforSocialGood


Games Night Viz 

A monthly project focusing on using data from your favorite games.
Web: Games Nights Viz
X: #GamesNightViz
Season 2: Cooking up the Spice of Data


Iron Quest

Practice data sourcing, preparation, and visualization skills in a themed monthly challenge. 
Web: Iron Quest
X: #IronQuest


Storytelling with Data

Practice data visualization and storytelling skills by participating in monthly challenges and exercises. 
Web: Storytelling with Data
X: #SWDChallenge
June 2024: make a funnel chart


Project Health Viz

Uncover new stories by visualizing healthcare data sets provided each month. 
Web: Project Health Viz
X: #ProjectHealthViz


Diversity in Data

An initiative centered around diversity, equity & awareness by visualizing provided datasets each month. 
Web: Diversity in Data
X: #DiversityinData


Sports Viz Sunday

Create and share data visualizations using rich, sports-themed data sets in a monthly challenge. 
Web: Sports Viz Sunday
X: #SportsVizSunday


Real World Fake Data

Create business dashboards using provided data sets for various industries and departments.
Web: Real World Fake Data
2024 - Admin Insights


Data Plus Music 

A monthly project visualizing the data behind the music we love!
Web: Data Plus Music
X: #DataPlusMusic