DataFam Roundup: Feb 26, 2021
Thanks for stopping by! Dig into the latest DataFam Roundup—a weekly blog post that brings together what’s trending in the community all in one post. As always, we invite you to send us your content—and the DataFam content from your peers that have inspired you! Find the content submission form here.
Celebrating Black History Month

- Black History Month, an invitation to learn and celebrate: Tableau Ambassador and Zen Master Joshua Smith shares his personal journey understanding and learning about Black History Month. He invites everyone to celebrate and shares 6 ways to engage.
- Thurgood Marshall Donation Drive: This DataFam Donation Drive helps provide direct funds to the Thurgood Marshall College Fund. Tableau will match donation funds during the month of February up to a total of $10,000!
- Racial Equity Data Hub: Data is core to understanding race and equity in American life. The Racial Equity Data Hub is a platform to provide the data and tools needed to understand and take action against racism in all of its forms. Read more here.
- An interview with Equity Task Force member, Candra McRae: Get to know Equity Task Force member Candra McRae through her conversation with fellow Task Force member Allen Hillery as they discuss the power of simple data viz, embracing data, and the road to inclusive and equitable communities.
- Honoring Black History Month with Tableau community activities: The Tableau Community team, with the help of the DataFam, has put together some ways we’re celebrating Black History Month. Join us!
DataFam content

The Future of Dashboards is Dashboardless, Ravi Mistry
Dive into content created by the Tableau Community:
- Blog The Future of Dashboards is Dashboardless Ravi Mistry
- Blog Who are Tableau Ambassadors – and How Can You Become One? Adam Mico
- Blog (Japanese) Tableau Tips 業種別の便利なTips~経理編~ Tabjo Official
- Blog A Tableau Accessibility Journey - Part I Chris DeMartini
- Blog A Tableau Accessibility Journey - Part II - Focus Order Chris DeMartini
- Blog (Spanish) Tableau Zen Master 2021 | Dataxa Pahola Diaz
- Blog FAQ Series - When and How to Scaffold Data Jim Dehner
- Video Tweaking Tableau Public Profile Data Viz Mastery
- Blog Why Is It So Hard to Become a Data-Driven Company? Randy Bean
Upcoming events
Join an upcoming Tableau User Group event:
- March 2, 2021: Virtual Tableau Healthcare User Group
- March 3, 2021: Panel Discussion on a Career in Data
- March 4, 2021: March Football Tableau User Group
Check out all the virtual Tableau User Group events here.

Event Recording Data + Diversity Event: Catch the recording of the virtual event celebrating the life and visualizations of Black American civil rights activist and writer, W.E.B. Du Bois.

Catan Visualiser by Kevin Prescilla
Catch this week’s Viz of the Days here and subscribe to get them emailed directly to your inbox.
Check out some inspirational vizzes created by the community:
- Catan Visualiser Kevin Prescilla
- 1000 New Tableau Job Posts Cesar Picco
- Protests against limiting Abortion Rights in Poland Aashique S
- The Black Death - #Viz2educate #Ironquest Alisha Dhillon
Community Projects

Stay in the loop on the Tableau Community Projects:
Makeover Monday: Join the community every Monday to work with a given data set and create better, more effective visualizations. #MakeoverMonday
Workout Wednesday: Build your skills with a weekly challenge to re-create an interactive data visualization. #WOW2021
Sports Viz Sunday: Create and share data visualizations using rich, sports-themed data sets in a monthly challenge. #SportsVizSunday
- February 2021: NFL Salary Cap
Iron Quest: Practice data sourcing, preparation, and visualization skills in a themed monthly challenge. #IronQuest #IronQuest
- February 2021: History
Storytelling with Data: Practice data visualization and storytelling skills by participating in monthly challenges and exercises. #SWDChallenge
- February 2021: Draw your data
Project Health Viz: Uncover new stories by visualizing healthcare data sets provided each month. #ProjectHealthViz
- February 2021: UK Hospital Admissions for Youth <18 (2016-2018)
SDG Viz Project: Visualize data about Sustainable Development Goals provided by the World Health Organization. #TheSDGVizProject
- February 2021: Goal 13 - Climate Action
Preppin’ Data: A weekly challenge to help you learn to prepare data and use Tableau Prep. #PreppinData
- 2021 Week 8: Karaoke Data
Real World Fake Data: Create business dashboards using provided data sets for various industries and departments.#RWFD
- Dataset #6: Social Media/Marketing
Viz 2 Educate: Each month, create vizzes on global education syllabus topics as resources for teachers worldwide. #Viz2educate
- February: History
Viz for Social Good: Volunteer to design data visualizations that help nonprofits harness the power of data for social change. #VizforSocialGood
Diversity in Data: An initiative centered around diversity, equity & awareness by visualizing provided datasets each month. #DiversityinData
- February 2021: Black History Month
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