AWS Cloud Cost and Usage Data in Tableau

Want to optimize your AWS cloud spend? We created a simple workflow to track cost and usage in Tableau.

Tableau, the world's leading analytics platform, offers a comprehensive set of capabilities and connectivity options for analysts to prepare, discover, and share insights across the enterprise with ease and efficiency. Tableau's Hyper technology allows for fast access to common file formats in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets. The following is an example of performing analytics on your AWS costs and usage while taking advantage of Amazon S3's convenience and Tableau's fast access to S3 files.

AWS Cost and Usage Reports

The AWS Cost and Usage Reports (AWS CUR) contain the most comprehensive set of cost and usage data available. You can use AWS CUR to publish your AWS billing reports to an Amazon S3 bucket. You can receive reports that break down your costs by the hour, day, or month, by product or product resource, or by tags that you define. AWS updates the report in your bucket once a day. The report is saved either in a comma-separated value (CSV) format or parquet format.

Options to analyze AWS CUR data

AWS provides out of the box integration with Amazon Athena for analyzing the AWS CUR data. Here are a couple of options to analyze the AWS CUR data in Tableau:

  1. Use Amazon Athena Connector by Tableau to view and analyze the AWS CUR data via Athena.
  2. Use Amazon S3 Connector by Tableau to view and analyze the AWS CUR data by accessing it directly from Amazon S3.

Architecture of AWS Cloud cost and usage report data through Athena and S3 Connectors represented with two green icons and one purple icons

There are multiple ways to look at your AWS CUR data. For example, you can find a Tableau Accelerator in Tableau Exchange to analyze the AWS CUR data via Athena.  Here are some of the key metrics you can track with the accelerator:

  • Spend by Month
  • Average Monthly Spend
  • Cost and usage by period (week, month, quarter, year, all-time)?
  • Relation between cost and usage? (cost optimization)
  • Spend per each AWS service
  • Cost across all accounts
  • Costs across AWS regions
  • Costs by EC2 instance and operating system

Configure, access, and analyze AWS CUR Data via Amazon S3 Connector

There are three main steps to configure AWS CUR and analyze the data in Tableau with the S3 Connector:

  1. Set up AWS CUR.
  2. Set up and configure the Amazon S3 Connector.
  3. Dive deep into your AWS cost and usage data.

Step 1: Set up AWS CUR

The Cost and Usage Report documentation is the official source for instructions to set up AWS CUR. For your convenience, we have included those instructions with screenshots for some of the steps. 

  1. Navigate to the Billing page in the AWS Console. 
  2. Click on Cost & usage reports.

Create a report by providing the report name and select options based on your analytics requirements. Click next to configure the S3 Bucket.


3. Create a report by providing the report name and select options based on your analytics requirements. Click Next to configure the S3 Bucket.

AWS Billing menu to specify cost and usage report details. Include resource IDs and split cost allocation data are selected in blue.

Options in set up of AWS cost and usage report based on analytics needs. Refresh automatically option is selected with a white checkmark on a blue background


4. Configure the S3 bucket–either select an existing bucket or create a new one as shown below.

Set up menu of AWS Cost and Usage Report for configuring an S3 bucket

Set up menu of AWS Cost and Usage Report for selecting an existing S3 bucket


5. Choose the report delivery option as shown below. Here are some considerations:

  • Report data integration is not required since the Tableau Amazon S3 Connector is used.
  • Set compression type to parquet for efficient storage.

Report delivery options in set up of AWS Billing cost and usage report. Hourly option is selected in blue for data time granularity. Create new report version is selected in blue for report versioning.


6. Click Next, review your configuration, and create the report.

7. You can view the status of the report in the AWS Billing → Cost and Usage Reports console. It takes a day for the report to be generated.

Status of three reports with blue text in the AWS Billing Cost and Usage Reports console

For additional information refer to the Cost and Usage Report documentation.


Step 2: Set up and configure Amazon S3 Connector

  1. Follow the instructions to set up the Amazon S3 Connector.
  2. Once the connector is set up, launch Tableau Desktop, and select Amazon S3
  3. Provide the S3 bucket region, bucket name, access key ID, and secret access key as shown below.

Pop-up window showing list of installed connectors on a blue background. White screen for Amazon S3 bucket access information.


4. Select the bucket provided for the AWS CUR data and click Connect.

Menu to configure Amazon S3 Connector showing a white screen with blue menu bar and bucket folder names to connect an object to

Menu to configure Amazon S3 Connector showing a white screen with blue menu bar and bucket names to connect an object to


5. Once the S3 Data Source is configured, you can preview the data, explore, and start analyzing it. Tableau’s Hyper technology provides fast query performance and in-memory joins.

White screen with 100 rows and 10 columns of data representing the daily cost and usage data extract


Step 3: Dive deep into your AWS cost and usage data

AWS CUR contain details about your usage. Review the data dictionary to analyze and generate insights for better understanding of your AWS cost and usage. Here are some examples:

1. Aggregate Cost per Quarter

Aggregate the Line Item Blended Rate per quarter to understand the average cost incurred for each SKU across an organization.

White screen with two squares showing AWS cost usage report showing line item usage for 3rd and 4th quarters


2. Blended Rate per Service per quarter 

Drill down to plot the blended rate per quarter and per service to understand the service level spend.

Tableau visualization showing vertical, orange bar charts for blended rate of Amazon services by quarter


3. Usage per billing account

Track the service level usage for each billing account. 

Bar charts in pink, green, brown, and blue showing usage per billing account


4. Service spend analysis at geographic level

Track the service usage at region level. To create this visualization, first you need to map the AWS Product Region to Country. A calculated field can be used to map the region as illustrated below. 

Pop-up window showing the mapping logic for the visualization underneath, which tracks AWS service usage at region level

Mapping Logic : 

CASE [Product Region]

WHEN "us-west-2" THEN "United States"

WHEN "us-east-2" THEN "United States"

WHEN "ap-northeast-1" THEN "South Korea"

WHEN "us-east-1" THEN "United States"

WHEN "us-west-1" THEN "United States"

WHEN "eu-central-1" THEN "Germany"

WHEN "ap-southeast-2" THEN "Australia"

WHEN "eu-west-1" THEN "Ireland"

WHEN "ap-southeast-1" THEN "Singapore"

WHEN "eu-west-2" THEN "United Kingdom"

WHEN "sa-east-1" THEN "Brazil"

WHEN "eu-west-3" THEN "France"

WHEN "ca-central-1" THEN "Canada"

WHEN "ap-south-1" THEN "India"

WHEN "ap-northeast-2" THEN "Japan" END

Map visualization of AWS product service spend labeled by country, colored in shades of blue


5. Regional service specific spend 

Create a filter on the Product Servicecode field to track specific AWS service spend by region.

Data visualization of US map tracking specific AWS service spend by region



Editor’s note: Product leader Madeleine Corneli authored the original blog post on monitoring AWS Cloud Cost and Usage Data in Tableau in March 2019. Read more of Madeline’s blog posts.