3 Great Analytics Blogs You Should Read
Health Intelligence by Ramon Martinez
Health Intelligence by Ramon Martinez is a top-notch blog whose topics range from visualizations of public health issues to coverage of hot topics in health and society. In one post we look at gender inequality around the world; in another, infant mortality. Ramon takes the time to explain the metrics that he uses and creates some of the most compelling and useful data visualizations that I've seen in Tabelau Public.
What you can learn from it: how to make complex, data-intensive issues clear using visualization.

Consumer Goods Analytics by Santiago Restrepo
Santiago just published a data-rich case study on new product introductions. The post lists ingredients (ex: trade area for every store), a recipe, and detailed instructions, as well as a video and live interactive visualization. It's like a master class in customer segmentation and retail strategy.
What you can learn from it: These consumer goods folks are wicked good at customer segmentation, something that's relevant to almost every industry.

CSE's Marketing Analytics Blog
This blog hasn't always been active, but it's picked up of late with a few solid posts. It tends to focus on sports subjects, like this analysis of awareness, appeal and keywords related to the Manti Te'o scandal.
What you can learn from it: How to get a sense for the buzz in an industry around an event. This post shows twitter activity at The MIT Sloan Sports Analytics trade show.
There are many more great industry analytics blogs out there. Look for one in your industry and if you can't find one, well, think about starting one!
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