10 key vizzes for today’s college students
Explore the 10 key vizzes for today’s college students.
This piece is part of the Back-to-School series on the Tableau blog. Students around the world are returning to school with the hopes of learning new skills that will help them find success in their future careers. Learn more about the skill that tops that list—Tableau.
As much as it pains me to admit it, I didn’t learn about Tableau until after I graduated from college. However, I can wholeheartedly say now that it would have made my life a lot easier—and fun! Why? Not only is visual analytics beneficial in your courses (think about analyzing data for your marketing class), it conveys information about personal interest topics. Over the years, our Tableau community has published more than a million (literally) visualizations with themes ranging from sports and music to politics and education. Here is a sample of 10 interesting vizzes that I wish I knew about in college:
College spending
Are you on a budget? I can imagine most college students would answer “yes.” This dashboard uses data from mint.com to track your spending habits.
Viz by Midori Ng
Coffee shops in top cities
Maybe it’s pre-finals and you’re searching for a coffee shop to fuel up on a good cup of joe. This viz has you covered.
Viz by Redfin
The best beers in America
If you’re more of a beer connoisseur, check out the best beers in America featured in this viz.
Viz by Abartel
The cocktail guide
Looking to make the perfect drink to celebrate the end of the semester or quarter? Take a look at this Cocktail Guide.
Viz by Harpreet Ghuman
Describe artists with emojis
Looking for a study break? Check this out to learn which emojis are most commonly associated with certain artists.
Viz by Spotify Insights
Rate My Professors
If you are picking courses for the upcoming term, be sure to make the right choices by consulting this viz.
Viz by Jewel Loree
It pays to renew housing
If you’re currently renting an apartment near campus, check out this viz to see if you should move or renew your lease.
Viz by Zillow Economic Research
It’s your turn
Feeling inspired? It’s your turn to create a viz. Here are a few fun data sets to help you get started:
- Netflix Shows (data.world)
- TMDB 5000 Movie Dataset (Kaggle)
- 2017 ESPN World Fame 100 (data.world)
- Meteorite Landings (Kaggle)
- Uber Pickups in New York City (Kaggle)
Don’t forget to publish your viz to Tableau Public and share it with the world! Need a student license? Request one today.
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