Url action improvements
Url actions can now target specific web zones in a dashboard, allowing authors the control to more seamlessly link to information that is hosted outside of their data source. Better integrate and add more meaningful content to your dashboard, and design more sophisticated app-like experiences.

Device layout preview on the web
Device dashboard design just got easier. You can now preview what your laptop, tablet, and phone layouts will look like directly in the desktop browser. Make any necessary formatting or content adjustments to your dashboards, and save knowing your mobile layouts are pixel perfect.
Tableau Prep Conductor
Tableau Prep Conductor, a new add-on product for Tableau Online and Tableau Server, empowers IT departments, data stewards and analysts to consistently deliver prepared data in a scalable, reliable and secure server environment.
Tableau Prep Conductor is part of the Data Management Add-on available now for Tableau Server and in limited release for Tableau Online.
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