
Introducing Tableau Services Manager (TSM)

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The comprehensive tool for installing and managing Tableau Server

Tableau Services Manager (TSM) is the comprehensive tool for installing and managing Tableau Server. It contains an enhanced user experience with both a command-line interface (CLI) and a web interface for server administrators.

TSM includes a new distributed architecture that addresses key customer pain points such as eliminating the need for a dedicated backup primary machine. It also adds the ability to dynamically add/remove certain server processes without restarting server. Some of TSM's benefits:

  • Tableau Services Manager (TSM) replaces multiple tools from previous versions of Tableau Server
  • Flexibility & Ease of Automation
  • No more primary + worker(s)
  • Hot Topology
  • Faster Upgrades
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Tableau Server lets us engage our business users and get our data out there at a large scale. It’s getting people really excited about what data can do for them.

关于 Tableau

Tableau 帮助人们将数据转化为可以付诸行动的见解。探索无所不能的可视化分析。只需点击几下即可构建仪表板,进行即兴分析。与任何人共享自己的工作成果,对公司发挥更大影响力。从全球性企业到早期初创企业和小企业,使用 Tableau 来查看和理解数据的人无处不在。



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