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Tableau Prep 2022.2.2

We recommend using the newest maintenance release of this version, which contains additional fixes.

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Starting in September, 2023, fixed defects can be found on this site. Additional defect information is available at[sfcategoryfull]=Tableau.

Resolved Issues

Issue ID Description

When deleting an input node in a flow with thousands of field renames an error would display, "Maximum call stack size exceeded".


An error could occur publishing a datasource to Tableau Cloud that stated, "Every output step in the flow should point to the server you are currently signed in to".


The language option for French was updated for clarity.


An error could occur, "Can't save the file - There was a problem with the flow file. The data may be corrupted." when using the save-as option to overwrite an existing .tfl file saved to a network location.


When a sample flow was opened for the Japanese version, and error would occur in version 2022.2.1.

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Build number

Release date

Tue, August 30, 2022