Enhancing Public Service Delivery with Modern Cloud Analytics

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The public sector is always being asked to “do more with less”.  

In this time of global belt-tightening with growing pressures on essential services such as education, health and social care, this remit has never been more true.

“Citizens need joined-up journeys and for that the public sector needs to have the data at the right level.  It is possible to see the availability of core resources to deliver real economies and prevent problems such as bed blocking, where an expensive service is traded for a relatively cheaper service because there is no joined-up perspective between the hospital and social care. Connected data and connected pathways means data can be leveraged and the public sector can work as an ecosystem.”  Francois Zimmermann, field CTO, Tableau

Modern cloud analytics can help the public sector gain faster and smarter insights into its huge quantities of data, enabling it to enhance public services by focusing its increasingly stretched resources where they are needed most.

In this white paper industry experts from Amazon Web Services and Tableau describe why and how public sector organizations are adopting modern cloud analytics to:

  • Deliver richer, faster, smarter insights for better decision-making
  • Improve transparency
  • Deliver value and outcomes-based services


Whitepaper - Techtarget - Public Sector