On-demand webinar

How to recalibrate your global marketing strategy in response to COVID-19

Data Analytics at Vontobel

With the COVID-19 pandemic making a wide range of traditional activities like trade shows and face-to-face meetings impossible, many organisations have had to completely rethink their marketing strategies for 2020 and beyond.

In this on-demand webinar, Elodie Duvaldestin and Annabelle Rincon of Vontobel Asset Management, discuss how they are using Tableau to rapidly recalibrate the company’s global marketing approach in response to changing customer needs during this unprecedented time.

Watch now to learn about:

  • The impact of COVID-19 on Vontobel's existing marketing strategy
  • How Vontobel is adapting its global marketing approach in response
  • How Tableau is helping inform key decisions throughout the process
  • Surprising marketing patterns and trends uncovered in the data
  • The key learnings from marketing in the ‘new-normal’

Over de sprekers


Elodie Duvaldestin

Head Marketing Asset Management | Vontobel AG

Elodie manages a team who cover marketing globally for Vontobel Asset Management. Her work is heavily focused on client-centricity, digital engagement, making offline and online work together so the firm can distribute its message across all channels in a coherent way, and capturing as many touchpoints as possible. Elodie sees a great opportunity for digital technology to bring the sales- and marketing functions with asset management firms closer together. Rather than having different approaches or using different tracking metrics, she believes that digital technology enables sales- and marketing to be two parts of a single play and to work side by side in the most intelligent way.


Annabelle Rincon

Director of Tableau Centre of Enablement | Vontobel AG

Annabelle obtained a Master degree in bank finance and risk Management. After a career in the private and public banking sector, as a Data Analyst, she specialized in Visuals Analytics and on mastering Tableau (both Desktop and Server). Competing in the 2019 Global IronViz contest she stroke the fourth place. She holds a Tableau Desktop Certified Professionnel certification and leads the Tableau Center of Enablement at Vontobel.


Matthias Saltenberger

Senior Campaign Specialist DACH | Tableau Deutschland GmbH

Matthias has 10+ years of experience in creating, organizing and managing integrated marketing campaigns. Before Tableau he studied Information Science and Engineering where he focused on Online Marketing and Information Architecture. His broad knowledge about databases helps him run successful campaigns that focus on the IT audience and analyze campaign performance through data visualization.

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