Tableau-Powered Fireworks, Partial-Period Tip among Best of the Tableau Web
Talk about a Tableau way to ring in the new year. The folks at the Information Lab Germany kicked off 2016 in style: with a fireworks display animated in Tableau!
If you’d like to reverse-engineer their work, download the workbook here.
With Tableau, you never stop learning. For instance, Andy Cotgreave recently learned you can move labels in Tableau. I recently learned that the order of dimensions on the marks shelf (as well as how they are sorted) influences the position of marks in view, as was pointed out by @helpmedatablick. Ever felt like you have no control over the algorithms underlying the treemaps and bubble charts? Take charge!
The sort and order of the dimensions on the Marks Card in @Tableau determines how the marks will be plotted:
— Help Me, DataBlick! (@helpmedatablick) January 20, 2016
Here are some more food for thought, from basic tips to the super-hacky and everything in between:
Tips & Tricks
VizPainter Partial Period Panic
CoEnterprise Tableau Tuesday: Legendary Legends
Drawing with Numbers Moving the Center Line of a Bar Chart with a Gantt Chart
Evolytics How to Make a Dual-Axis Combo Chart
Tableau Renders Recreating WarGames with Tableau and Mapbox How to Perform Text Mining at the Speed of Thought Directly in Tableau?
Data + Science Using Tableau with Reveal.js
Tableau Server
The Information Lab Easy Peasy Tableua Server Upgrades
InterWorks The Tableau Performance Checklist: Local Computations - Server Performance
Dashboard Design
Wallpapering Fog Six Tricks to Make Your Data Visualisations Look Better
Fubiz (French) The Minimalist Color Palettes of 2015
Priceonomics How William Cleveland Turned Data Visualization into a Science
Well-Formed Data Little Boxes
Storytelling with Data Is There a Single right Answer?
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