Tableau Texas Summit
It’s time for us to bring the Texas State and Local Government data community back together again!
Come network with your peers and hear how agencies are using data in their digital transformation to improve efficiencies and drive outcomes to better the citizens they serve.
Digital Transformation is the reimagining of business in the digital age. It's about understanding the potential of your technology and using data to inform future decision-making. Modernizing analytics in the information age provides more meaningful intelligence for you, your organization, and your communities.
Come listen to a Fireside chat on the “Journey to Better” with Texas DIR CIO, Amanda Crawford, and Chief Art Acevedo. Hear from a panel discussion represented by many of your peers discussing what’s needed to drive digital transformation.
Learn how agencies are driving transformation in innovative ways as they are modernizing legacy systems and choose from an afternoon track of either hands-on workshops or educational sessions
Date |
October 05, 2022 |
Agenda 8:00 am - Registration9:00am - Welcome & Opening Remarks9:15am - Fireside Chat: “Journey to Better”
10:15am - Networking Break10:30 am - Panel Discussion: "Transformation or Optimization"10:45 am - Agency Success Stories: “Improving Efficiencies and Outcomes with Data”12:15 pm - Lunch1:15 pm - Leveraging and Empowering your Data Community1:35 pm - Concurrent Breakout Sessions
2:15pm - Networking Break2:30pm - Concurrent Breakout Sessions
3:30pm - Adjourn |
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