Webinar on-demand

Back to School - Canvas

In this session we will demonstrate how easy it is to import all or part of our Data Literacy One content directly into your Learning Management System. We provide you with a how-to guide, module summary pages, assignments, discussion boards, and even quizzes and tests. In addition we will discuss all of the ready-made course curricula, how to customize, and access materials.

If you've already been approved for an instructor license through Tableau for Teaching, request to join our Tableau for Teaching User Group where you can access our ready-made curriculum. If you do not have a license, request one today here.

Informazioni sul relatore


Sue Kraemer

Senior Data Skills Curriculum Strategy Manager, Tableau

Prior to joining Tableau, Sue Kraemer taught Statistics and Data Visualization courses at University of Washington Bothell (UWB) and currently remains an Affiliate Faculty member in the Division of Nursing and Health Studies at UWB.

Ci siamo quasi!

Per compilarlo bastano 15 secondi. Se sei già registrato, accedi.

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