Tableau 2022.3 offre nuove funzionalità che ti consentono di ricavare facilmente informazioni dai tuoi dati, su scala. Tra queste, Guida ai dati, Estensioni delle tabelle, visibilità dinamica sulle zone e altro ancora.
Maps are a great tool to visually analyze spatial patterns. In Tableau, it’s simple to add multiple layers of data on top of a custom base map to easily see patterns.
Impara dai finalisti, dai partecipanti e dai giudici delle edizioni precedenti dell'Iron Viz per gestire nel modo migliore il tempo dedicato alla preparazione delle visualizzazioni da proporre.
Pierre Guillaume Wielezynski describes how embedding Tableau dashboards into a new service marketplace enabled the World Food Programme to respond to Covid-19
If you’re looking for a fun way to connect with data enthusiasts while also reinforcing foundational data visualization skills, Back to Viz Basics (B2VB)—a Tableau Community Project—is the perfect place to start.
Learn about the key elements that make up a Viz Game, or data visualization competition, in which contestants show off their design, analytics, and data storytelling skills.
Drawing on the Tableau Iron Viz format, Deloitte’s Viz Games annual data visualization competition helps improve data literacy and strengthen data culture across their organization. Learn three tips on leading a data viz competition at your work—and see the winning vizzes from the teams at Deloitte.