A New Era of Transparency

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5 best practices for sharing government data with the public.

With volumes of untapped data sitting in public-sector databases, coupled with the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act, the door is swinging wide open for a new era of data-driven innovation. Government knowledge and deep data insights are rightly at the very center of one of the most relevant political, social and economic conversations of the century.

As the demand on federal, state and local governments to become data-driven continues to intensify, most still struggle with best practices for utilizing, understanding and sharing open data insights with the public, let alone offer meaningful or actionable insight to voters and leaders.

In this report, you’ll learn:

  • How to measure and share performance outcomes of programs
  • How to rapidly answer citizen questions with accuracy and confidence
  • Ways to enable public and private collaboration for true aggregated analysis and better problem solving
  • How to visually showcase public data on the web
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Reports that previously took days or weeks to create are now completed within minutes or hours. Now we can spend more time digging into the data and identifying outliers, trends and exceptions to the norm.

Informazioni su Tableau

Tableau aiuta a trasformare i dati in azioni concrete. Esplora i dati con un'analisi visiva senza limiti, elabora le tue dashboard ed esegui analisi mirate con pochi clic, condividi il tuo lavoro con gli altri per contribuire al successo dell'azienda. Dalle multinazionali alle piccole imprese, fino alle start-up che muovono i primi passi, Tableau è il sostegno migliore per visualizzare e interpretare i dati.

Incluso in

Fast Company
Wallstreet Journal

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