Enabling Healthcare Analytics for Better Patient Outcomes

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Change isn’t coming. It’s here. Learn how to empower doctors, nurses and healthcare administrators with self-service analytics.

The healthcare industry is in the midst of momentous transformation. Yet most organizations, equipped with old business models, still struggle to navigate the high demands for performance improvement and better patient care.

For any real chance of advancement, doctors, nurses and healthcare administrators alike need direct access to integrated medical data insights to drive measurably improved outcomes.

In this whitepaper, you’ll learn how to:

  • Empower doctors, nurses, and administrators to ask and answer their own questions
  • Blend data from multiple sources to visualize a single source of truth
  • Quickly and accurately measure performance and patient outcomes
  • Free your IT resources and foster a data-driven culture

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The old approach to business intelligence confirms what we know. Now departments throughout the hospital can ask the question, ‘What am I trying to accomplish?’ and explore what they don’t know.

Informazioni su Tableau

Tableau aiuta a trasformare i dati in azioni concrete. Esplora i dati con un'analisi visiva senza limiti, elabora le tue dashboard ed esegui analisi mirate con pochi clic, condividi il tuo lavoro con gli altri per contribuire al successo dell'azienda. Dalle multinazionali alle piccole imprese, fino alle start-up che muovono i primi passi, Tableau è il sostegno migliore per visualizzare e interpretare i dati.

Incluso in

Fast Company
Wallstreet Journal

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