3 Shifts in the Modern Data Environment

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The rapid pace of innovation in the database landscape is causing IT leaders to entirely re-evaluate their data environment strategies. From Hadoop, to NoSQL, to Cloud data assets – the expectation for IT groups to stay current with new technologies and approaches has never been higher. With self-service analytics shaping the modern data environment, it's critical for CIOs, IT Directors and business leaders to all work together for the best possible deployments of new technologies.

Read this paper to learn more about the three major shifts within the modern data environment and how they apply to your organization. We'll cover:

  • The emergence of Hadoop and NoSQL and what that means for the traditional enterprise data warehouse
  • Understanding how to evaluate cloud data assets
  • Embracing self-service analytics as part of data platform strategy

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We really wanted a self-service model. The folks in IT really didn't want to be the report writers, nor should they be. From an IT perspective, we can put Tableau where it belongs, in the hands of the folks that use the data and know the data.

Additional Resources


Governed Self-service Analytics at Scale: An Overview

Today’s organizations seek an approach to self-service analytics that balances the needs of both IT and the business. People in your organization are already using Excel and other tools to answer their questions. So how do you take charge and enable self-service analytics while also making sure the data is governed, trusted, and secure?


How to choose the right modern BI & analytics platform

This guide focuses on the platform evaluation and selection. It is intended for IT to use collaboratively with business users and analysts as they assess each platform’s ability to execute on the modern analytics workflow and address the diverse needs of users across the organization.

Informazioni su Tableau

Tableau aiuta a trasformare i dati in azioni concrete. Esplora i dati con un'analisi visiva senza limiti, elabora le tue dashboard ed esegui analisi mirate con pochi clic, condividi il tuo lavoro con gli altri per contribuire al successo dell'azienda. Dalle multinazionali alle piccole imprese, fino alle start-up che muovono i primi passi, Tableau è il sostegno migliore per visualizzare e interpretare i dati.

Incluso in

Fast Company
Wallstreet Journal

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