Welcome, Hyper team, to the Tableau community!
We make analyzing data fast and easy, beautiful, and useful. That singular task drives us and delights our customers every day. Sometimes we have the opportunity to accelerate our task at hyper speed.
We are excited to announce that we have acquired Hyper, a breakthrough technology in data processing that we believe can further revolutionize business analytics.
Hyper is a high-performance database system. It will be integrated into Tableau’s product offerings and bring a host of new capabilities to Tableau customers:
• Faster analysis of data of all sizes
• Enhanced data integration, data transformation and data blending
• Richer analytics, such as k-means clustering and window functions
• Supporting big data efforts by supporting semi-structured and unstructured data
• Unification of analysis and transactional systems
Similar to Tableau, Hyper grew out of a research project started at a top technical university. Professors Dr. Thomas Neumann and Dr. Alfons Kemper, at Technical University of Munich (TUM) together with PhD students developed and worked on the idea for the last five years.
Four of the project’s Ph.D. students, Tobias Muehlbauer, Wolf Roediger, Viktor Leis and Jan Finis, will join the Tableau family, focused on integrating Hyper into Tableau products. The Hyper team will be based in Munich, and Tableau plans to add additional resources, leveraging the talent from TUM and further focus on innovation to improve future Tableau products.
We’re excited to welcome the Hyper team, not just because of this breakthrough technology that will undoubtedly help Tableau further innovate, but because we are aligning with a group of like-minded people who hold dear Tableau’s mission. As Tobias said, “By joining Tableau, we will have the opportunity to get the Hyper technology into the hands of people who are having a huge impact with data every day. We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to bring our hard work, research, and learnings to help make real change in the world of data analytics.”
Please join us in welcoming the Hyper team to the Tableau community and read more about the groundbreaking technology by visiting Hyper’s website.
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