10 New Vizes - On the Lighter Side of BI
From "Highest Grossing Movies" and "The Greatest Basketball Players of All Time" to "Mobile Network Data Performance" and "History of the World Cup", check out our visual news stories.
From "Highest Grossing Movies" and "The Greatest Basketball Players of All Time" to "Mobile Network Data Performance" and "History of the World Cup", check out our visual news stories.
Highest Grossing Movies Since 2001 - You probably know Avatar was #1. What was #2?
Congestion and Public Transit Use - Growing populations and stagnant public transportation lead to one thing: congestion.
The Greatest Basketball Players of All Time - Rank them yourself in this viz.
Mobile Network Data Performance - While AT&T wins the best combination of coverage and performance, it faces clear competition from Sprint's 4G network rollouts and T-Mobile's upgrades to HSPA+.
History of the World Cup - The bottom line: it is hard to win the World Cup, especially if you haven't before.
Personal Wealth of US Presidents - Abraham Lincoln tops the effectiveness chart, but was essentially penniless his entire life.
The Nations Dumbest Drivers - If you are trying to avoid the idiots, you may be out of luck.
Visualizing the Growth in Cosmetic Surgery - Would you believe that nearly 13 million people had a cosmetic procedure last year?
The Seattle Times Data Team Vizes Like Mad - We've been excited to see The Seattle Times, our hometown paper, viz on all kinds of data lately. One of our favorites is their interactive bike
map, published for Bike to Work day to warn commuters of danger zones.

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