Visualization: Set Your Analytics Users Free

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The Aberdeen Group outlines the value gained by organizations using visual data discovery tools.

Visual data discovery tools are a critical part of modern business intelligence solutions. Data collected by the Aberdeen Group, found that employees in organizations that used visual data discovery were more likely to find the information they need, when they need it. These same companies were able to scale their use of scarce IT skills more effectively.

In this whitepaper, Aberdeen Senior Analyst David White looks at the value customers can get from using visual data discovery tools.

“Visual data discovery solutions are still early in the adoption cycle — only 22% of survey respondents currently use this class of analytics solution. However, a number of significant benefits and best practices are starting to emerge.”

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Today's CMO doesn't have six months to wait to make a decision ... What Tableau does—with its different sets of data visualizations—is it gives that ability to us to take data, distill it to its essence, to one word. 'Here's the problem.' And the CMO can look at that and say, 'Okay, I got it.'

À propos de Tableau

Tableau vous aide à transformer vos données en informations exploitables. Découvrez des possibilités d'analyse visuelle illimitées. Créez des tableaux de bord et effectuez des analyses ad hoc en seulement quelques clics. Partagez vos documents de travail avec les personnes de votre choix et marquez les esprits dans votre entreprise. Des grandes multinationales aux startups naissantes en passant par les TPE, tout le monde utilise Tableau pour voir et comprendre ses données.

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