What is Big Data and How to Conquer it

What is Big Data?

Big Data is the modern term for the information that businesses collect and use to make decisions. Whether it’s structured or unstructured, gigabytes or terabytes, fast or slow, you can turn big data into big ideas.

Big Data Tips

Just when you thought big data couldn’t get any bigger, it got bigger still. Regardless of its actual size, big data is creating value for organizations of all shapes and sizes. Here are four tips, summarizing their steps to success:

1. Think long term by thinking short term
If you worry about staying current with big data technology, you’re not alone. Everything is evolving so fast that it’s impossible to know which tools, platforms, and methodologies will be best. So stay loose and open to the possibilities of new products, as long as they deliver value.

2. Bring data down to eye level
Big data comes down to eye level when you visualize it. Exploring data visually lets the data’s story unfold vividly in a way the brain can grasp in a flash. Visualizing data, big or small, lets you answer your critical questions at the speed of thought.

3. Empower users for big insights
With big data, there’s simply no time now for anything but self-service data analysis. Instead of waiting months for one-off reports or data to be perfectly clean, technologies can provide immediate access to data. When valuable, the data can then be sent through the more rigorous processes for a data warehouse. Don’t restrict people’s flow of questions or insight. Empower them to answer questions themselves with access to the data.

4. Make bigger data out of small data
Look closely, and you see what big data is made of: many smaller datasets. Whether your data is in a spreadsheet, data warehouse, open source file systems, or in all of those, you need the flexibility to quickly connect and consolidate it. That lets you ask and answer questions as they come to mind — no matter how big, or small, your big data may be.

Want more? Get the full whitepaper with more detail and three additional tips: Get the Paper

More Big Data Resources


Big Data Trends

2016 was a landmark year for big data with more organizations storing, processing, and extracting value from data of all forms and sizes. In 2017, systems that support large volumes of both structured and unstructured data will continue to rise. Read this whitepaper to learn more about our predictions for 2017.

Les entreprises utilisant le Big Data sont 70 % plus susceptibles de voir leurs projets BI pilotés essentiellement par les utilisateurs métier, et non par l'IT.

À propos de Tableau

Tableau vous aide à transformer vos données en informations exploitables. Découvrez des possibilités d'analyse visuelle illimitées. Créez des tableaux de bord et effectuez des analyses ad hoc en seulement quelques clics. Partagez vos documents de travail avec les personnes de votre choix et marquez les esprits dans votre entreprise. Des grandes multinationales aux startups naissantes en passant par les TPE, tout le monde utilise Tableau pour voir et comprendre ses données.

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