Maximizing your Marketing Efforts with Web Analytics

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Watch this on-demand webinar to hear how you can maximize your marketing efforts with web analytics.

The website is the lifeblood of many businesses. It generates leads, drives conversion to customers, builds your brand, and supports your customers.
In this webinar, you will see how Tableau can help you:

  • Analyze website traffic data, and combine it with other data sources to answer difficult questions.
  • Explore business insights beyond google analytics default charts.
  • Publishing dashboards and visualizations to share insights across teams and departments.

Whether you are a website analytics expert, or you’ve just set up Google Analytics for the first time, you will walk away with a better understanding of how to take advantage of your website data.

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The ability to marry web analytics to the external metrics that you have provides tremendous value. Then you know which channel is working better than other channels, and it helps you maximize your budget.

À propos de Tableau

Tableau vous aide à transformer vos données en informations exploitables. Découvrez des possibilités d'analyse visuelle illimitées. Créez des tableaux de bord et effectuez des analyses ad hoc en seulement quelques clics. Partagez vos documents de travail avec les personnes de votre choix et marquez les esprits dans votre entreprise. Des grandes multinationales aux startups naissantes en passant par les TPE, tout le monde utilise Tableau pour voir et comprendre ses données.

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