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Evolution of IT Modernisation: enabling a data-driven government

Data increasingly becomes a strategic asset in government, enabling the provision of better services to constituents and faster routes to achieving departmental or organisational vision.

With the amount of data we take in expanding rapidly, prioritising the development of technology platforms, tools and software has been a focus for many organisations. When it comes to digital transformation, the ability to both modernise existing IT and integrate new technology is essential. But data tools and technology are nothing without people. And people make culture.

Please join us as our valued partner, Slalom, share how departments and agencies can be inspired with a digital transformation strategy to develop a ‘Modern Culture of Data’ – where employees are empowered to use data to work across organisational siloes to accomplish a shared mission.

During this session you will:

  • Learn about digital transformation and technologies as a foundation
  • Gain insight into a ‘Modern Culture of Data’ approach and how it can drive your data strategy forward
  • Understand the practical next steps you can take to begin your own ‘Modern Culture of Data’ journey

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Richard Fayers

Practice Director, Slalom

Richard heads up the UK Data & Analytics Practice at Slalom, a modern consulting firm focused on strategy, technology and business transformation. He’s been working with Tableau for more than a decade, and has over 25 years’ experience in the wider Analytics, BI, Data Visualisation and MI space. His portfolio is cross-sector, with experience spanning Retail, Public Sector, Banking, Insurance, CPG, Pharma & Professional Services.

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