Connector SDK

Build a new connector that you can use to visualise your data from any database through an ODBC or JDBC driver.

Level of support
Tableau Server, Tableau Cloud, Tableau Desktop
Programming languages

Connector plugins provide a far simpler connection experience and more robust live query support as compared to ‘Other databases (ODBC/JDBC)’, as well as a full test harness for testing and development. The Connector SDK allows you to customise connector behaviour, fine-tune SQL query generation via dialects, create connection dialogue menus, and easily package and distribute connectors to end users.

Use cases

  • Build native Tableau connectors (.taco files) that users can leverage to connect to and visualise data from any database that supports ODBC or JDBC.
  • Create a .taco file for a new source of data and connect with Desktop and Server like any other data source in Tableau.


You can use the Tableau Connector SDK to build and custom a native-looking connector.