New in Tableau Prep Builder: Search for data sources in Tableau Server + Tableau Online and introducing the Alibaba MaxCompute Connector 

In the June release of Tableau Prep Builder, we’re boosting your productivity with improvements to your connection experience in Tableau Prep.

In the June release of Tableau Prep Builder, we’re boosting your productivity with improvements to your connection experience in Tableau Prep, with the ability to search for data stored on Tableau Server or Online, as well as the new Alibaba MaxCompute Connector.

Search for data in Tableau Prep Builder

Searching for and connecting to published data sources is now easier than ever.  When you select Tableau Server in the new “Search for Data” option on the Connect pane, a new dialog shows all your published data sources and descriptions – making your discover experience smooth and transparent. You can even exclude assets or filter the list to just include certified data sources.

If you have the Data Management Add-on with Tableau Catalog enabled, you can expand your search to include databases and tables that are used by published data sources, flows or workbooks. You can also explore metadata such as data quality warnings and certifications to find the right data set for your needs without ever leaving Tableau Prep Builder.

Use the filter pane or the search box to find the right assets.

Introducing the Alibaba MaxCompute Connector for Tableau Prep

We are continually working on expanding our connectors to provide more options for our users. This release allows you to connect to and clean your large-scale data with the Alibaba MaxCompute Connector.