Yu Fu

Research Intern

Yu us with short, styled hair and glasses is looking at the camera with a neutral expression. He is wearing a light gray shirt and is standing in front of a glass door with reflections of trees and buildings visible in the background.


Yu is a PhD candidate in Human-centered Computing at Georgia Tech, working with the Information Interfaces Research Group, advised by Dr. John Stasko. Before academia, Yu spent five exciting years as an NBA journalist. Although it’s not quite the NBA player gig he dreamed of as a kid, he got the chance to watch live games for free, hang out in locker rooms, and meet his childhood idols! Now, Yu's research is all about blending visualization with data journalism. This summer, he's excited to whip up some cool authoring tools for his journalist buddies. When he's not nerding out over data, Yu is a total hoop junkie, loves old tunes, and never misses a movie as an AMC A-list member.


  • Data Visualization and Analysis
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Data-driven Journalism