
Marketing Analytics

Understand all your marketing data

As marketing is increasingly influenced by data, it's important to have an analytics platform that helps you see and understand all of your data.

Tableau enables marketing teams to combine their data across all marketing channels, and perform fast and easy visual analysis to get a complete view of how your marketing is performing.

In this live webinar series, learn how Tableau can help you overcome some of the main data challenges that marketers face such as building a data-driven marketing team, understanding social media data, and helping marketing leaders make better decisions with real-time data.


Überschrift Länge
Marketing-Dashboards: auf was Sie achten müssen – und was Sie vermeiden sollten
Wir stellen vier Best Practices vor, mit denen Sie Ihre Marketing-Dashboards optimal zur Gewinnung von Erkenntnissen und für einen maximalen Nutzen anwenden können.
30 min