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Leverage the Data + Movies challenge for your Tableau User Group, Community Project, or other DataFam event.

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Kevin Wee and Jessica Moon with Vizzes

Data + Movies Challenge Starter Kit

This starter kit is the top resource you'll want to share with attendees at your event. This kit explores the features of Tableau with the Data + Movies starter dashboard and teaches how to customize a viz using easy-to-follow steps.

Get the Starter Kit

DataFam Inspiration

Get inspired by these red-carpet-ready vizzes featuring the Data + Movies dataset, created by Tableau Public Ambassadors.

Explore Data + Movie Vizzes

Starter Dashboard Data

Here's the starter dashboard from Tableau Public with the full IMDb dataset with movies and actors from 1902-2022. If you find this dashboard is too large, you can download a version with less data here.

Starter Dashboard on Tableau Public