Returning to Where it all Started
If there's one thing we're nostalgic for in our former Bay Area home, it's our customers. If there's two, it's the sunshine. Thankfully, Tableau 7.0 gave us a chance to see both.
The latest stops in our roadshow were San Francisco, and the university where Tableau Software was born: Stanford. With several Bay Area giants in the audience--including Wells Fargo, eBay, Apple, Google and many more--both events were packed, so much so that we needed to keep turning the temperature down.
San Francisco and Stanford are not shy crowds. They asked about anything and everything: what level of detail can filled maps go to (zip code in the US), can you pin maps to Australia (yes), and what happened to null island? Tableau 7.0's sinking of null island and its overall new way to handle null values drew a loud round of applause.
While the presentation was a hit, the demo stations afterwards were even more popular. Crowds of new users and old experts stopped by to ask more questions and get a closer look at Tableau 7.0's new features in action, as well as some good one-on-one chat with Tableau staff.
We always love any chance to be in the Bay Area and spend time with the Tableau fans from the region. The dose of sunshine the Seattle Tableau Team received was a huge bonus.
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