Best of the Tableau Web: Python for data prep with 2019.3 beta, JavaScript API, and WDCs
This month, Andy Cotgreave highlights the coders and developers who are blogging about inventive ways to extend the Tableau platform.

Welcome to the monthly round-up of Tableau-related blogs. As always, I’ve been enjoying reading blogs about your charts and calculations. This month, I wanted to highlight the coders and developers who are blogging about inventive ways to extend the Tableau platform. The Information Lab has great introductory posts about Web Data Connectors (WDC) and the JavaScript (JS) API. Also, Toan Hoang’s published guide to all the APIs you can play with is a helpful summary. If you’re looking to execute code in another language like Python, check out Toan’s introduction to using Python in Tableau.
Furthermore, did you know that coding is coming to Tableau Prep? The 2019.3 beta is out and you can run Python scripts in the application. This opens up lots of new approaches for data cleaning. Tom Christian from Tableau has a thorough introduction post to help you set up TabPy, how to start with a pandas dataframe then change the dataframe structure to whatever you want, and more. Josh Milligan’s two posts have loads of examples: One blog shares simple scripts to solve challenges they’ve encountered and Josh’s second blog is focused on fill down missing values, converting a string to Title Case, and counting business days between two specific dates.
Thanks, as always, to those writing such helpful blog posts and contributing to the data community—all of you coders and designers and hackers and scientists and researchers and analysts. Have a great summer and I’ll be back in September with the August round-up.
Tips & Tricks
Jose Valero Create a Control Chart
Eric Parker How to Expand and Contract Worksheets in Tableau
Sarah Dorfman Removing Borders from Tableau Worksheets
Kevin Flerlage Automatically Hide Your Vizzes When Publishing to Tableau Public
Michael Bracchi Add a Customizable Point at the End of Your Line!
Ken Flerlage 4 Ways to Connect Tableau to MongoDB
David Murphy Podcast Guest Criteria & Insights
Toan Hoang Hex Maps in Tableau
Kris Curtis Launching a self-service analytics programme (part 1)
Swexler Benevolent Manipulation in Data Visualization
Laine Caruzca What is business analytics and why is it important?
Toan Hoang Tableau 2019.2: MakePoint and MakeLine
Dustin Wyers Advance with Assist: Filling in Null Records Without Filtering
Timo Tautenhahn Row-Level Security with Initial SQL
Raphael Teufel The Ultimate Guide to Year-over-Year Comparisons in Tableau
Eric Parker Fixing Duplicate Records in Tableau
Debbie Nemirovsky Tableau 101: Table Calculations, Part I
Formatting, Design and Storytelling
Toan Hoang Drawing Candlestick Charts in Tableau
James Austin Demystifying how to Deselect Buttons in Tableau
Andy Kriebel #TableauTipTuesday: How to Create a Parallel Coordinates Plot
Toan Hoang Tableau QT: Control Charts
Set and Parameter Actions
Chris Love Adding a Guided Tutorial to your Tableau Visualisation
Rosario Gauna Asymmetric Drill Down using Parameter Actions
Raphael Teufel Swap Measures Using Parameter Actions
Filippos Lymperopoulos Parameter Actions: Concatenation
Keith Dykstra Improving the Sheet-Swapping UX with Parameter Actions in Tableau: Part 1
Tableau Prep
Eric Parker New Feature: How to Unpivot (Transpose) Data Using Tableau Prep
Joshua Milligan Python in Tableau Prep: simple useful scripts
Rosario Gauna Average of the last 7 days in Sales in Tableau Prep Builder
Joshua Milligan Python strikes again! More Python scripts for Tableau Prep
VizFox TabPy + Prep == ♥
Toan Hoang Tableau Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
Andre de Vries Web Data Connector for Tableau Public
Craig Bloodworth Export All Extension for Tableau v2 Released
Zugehörige Storys
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