Best of the Tableau Web... October 2014
In just a few weeks, I'll have been working at Tableau for a whole year! What better way to celebrate my "Tableau-versary" than to present this month's round-up of amazing blog posts about Tableau? October was a busy month in the blog-o-sphere. We saw an explosion of creative tips, tricks, and vizzes—and even found out that the Tableau Zen Masters don't know everything. The Tableau community also got wickedly creative this month. KK Molugu built an amazing piece of viz art. And I must give a shout-out to Jonathan Drummey, who wrote what I think may be the best title I've ever seen in a blog post: "O Extract, Where Art Thou?" So what are you waiting for? Check out this month's round-up of Tableau tips, tutorials, and wickedly creative hacks!
Tips & Tricks Paint by Numbers A Rough Guide to Tableau Dashboard Actions DataRemixed U.S. Congressional District choropleths made easy The Information Lab Photographic Composition and its applications to Data Visualization Vizible Difference Color your way to visual finesse Beyond the Basics VizWiz Tableau Tip: Blending data sets that have different max dates VizPainter Dynamic Annotations (Part 3) Tableau Command Multi Datasource Filters with the JavaScript API Reddit Workaround to assign color by RGB measure Monday Morning Viz Conditional Formatting w/ MIN(1) This blog post was a follow-up to Dan Montgomery's My Favorite Tableau Trick For Work.

Video Tutorials & Viz Ideas mluttonBI TRL - Tooltip Exclude and Top N with Others Jewel Loree Data House of Horrors! You can also find a detailed how-to on Jewel's blog. data + science Halloween Data Set Published for Visualization Curtis Harris Where do you get your vizpiration? Use Cases Quantified Self Tim Ngwena: My Music Listening Habits InterWorks Market Segmentation Using Tableau and R - An Example in Baseball Talk Data to Me Connecting Tableau to Piwik Tableau Server Alan@Tableau Redirecting map tile requests Paul Banoub's VizNinja Blog How to Monitor Your Tableau Server – Part 1 – Infrastructure Monitoring And Paul soon followed up with Part two. Tableau Love Which EC2 Instance Type Should I run Tableau Server On? Part One Part two came out in November—take a peek! Commentary VizCandy Playing Nice with Tableau or How to Build a Dashboard That Your Co-Workers Can Maintain If You Get Hit By a Bus Sciolistic Ramblings A year in Tableau - from beginner to "expert" I hope you enjoyed this month's Best of the Web! Do you have any suggestions for this blog series? (Or maybe you started your own data blog recently?) Let us know by tweeting @tableau!
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