Rich Gossweiler
Senior Research Scientist

My area of expertise is in Human Computer Interaction (HCI, UX design, UI), in software system architectures, and in front end engineering (JavaScript). I have been a principle scientist, technical lead, system architect, prototyper, designer, and front-end engineer. My Ph.D. is a blend of psychology (visual perception) and computer science (real-time 3D rendering). I built the first VR system at UVa. and then used the platform to conduct and publish visual perception studies. I have worked in top research and engineering industries. This includes engineering at a successful start-up, participating as a principle scientist at NASA on a Mars mission, and being a senior researcher and tech lead at Google, including working in [X]. I have designed, led, and implemented systems across a wide range of domains, including interactive 3D graphics (VR, AR, Glass, information visualization), mobile platforms, television, travel, retail, advertising, and large scale, multi-person, interactive, public displays.
Areas of interest
- Mobile
- Social and Collaboration
- Information Visualization
- Contextual Computing and Experiences