Fei Xu
Senior Software Engineer

Big Data, Big Opportunity.
Fei Xu is a Senior Software Engineer at Tableau Software. His focus is on the Tableau Data Engine and Query Processing Pipeline. Fei's research interest largely lies in the area of relational database. He is interested in developing efficient and scalable systems and programming models for large scale data analytics and statistical inference. Before joining Tableau in 2014, Fei was a Research Software Engineer in the Cosmos team at Microsoft. Cosmos is Microsoft's internal BigData infrastructure. Fei has been mainly focused on researching and developing programming models and language features for BigData Analysis. In addition, Fei also made visible contributions to the runtime system. Fei received his Ph.D. Degree in Computer Engineering from University of Florida. He was a core member for two research database systems: Database Online(DBO) and Monte-Carlo Databae(MCDB). Fei has published more than 10 papers in a variety of referenced journals and conferences, including SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE, and ACM TODS. He has served as a program committee member for most important database conferences, including SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE and CIKM.
Areas of interest
- Design of Compilers
- Design of Compilers, Optimizers and Runtimes for Large-Scale Data Analysis