Find Tableau Experts Open to Work on Tableau Public
If you're a hiring manager looking for top Tableau talent, the Tableau Public Authors available for hire viz, created by Tableau's own Peter Jönsson based in Sweden, is a self-service tool to help you see who's open to work in your area. Bookmark this page or to assist you when looking to hire a data analyst with Tableau proficiency and a Tableau Public profile that showcases their dashboard design, ability to tell a story with data, analytical skills, and more.

"The basic idea behind the visualization is to get from question to answer, or from data to insight, as quickly as possible."
—Peter Jönsson
Read on to learn about Peter's process for designing this dashboard. "As every eager and excited data visualization enthusiast, once I had the data I tried several flashier visuals including a hex map, rounded bars, and a jitter plot. It didn’t take me long, however, to realize not all these flashy objects delivered an immediate impact, improved user experience, or provided optimized workbook performance. As with all data visualization projects, testing a few visualization types was fun. But in the end, it became evident that simplicity goes a long way."
Peter further elaborates, "Following data viz best practice from the white paper ‘Designing Efficient Workbooks’ is the best guide there is, in my opinion. The best lessons from this whitepaper focus on understanding the overall order of operations, and how it affects workbook behavior. It also contains invaluable advice about how to optimize filters, reasons to consider avoiding quick filters, selecting the right chart types, how to avoid too many data points per sheet, as well as best practices to ensure dependable query performance."
Designing Efficient Workbooks
Whether you’re just starting out with Tableau or have been using it for years, here are several ways to optimize your dashboard's performance.
Read the whitepaperPeter continues, "A few weeks later, I had a few draft versions ready to show and confirmed with the team I was on the right track. The basic idea behind the visualization is to get from question to answer, or from data to insight, as quickly as possible. I came up early with the tagline of '’re only X clicks away from finding Tableau talent' and this idea is behind the entire approach."
Thank you again to Peter for his work on this dashboard. We hope you find it useful and that it continues to connect Tableau analysts who are open to work with hiring managers looking to fill new job openings.
Bookmark this page to explore the Hire Me viz to find data visualization talent and view the portfolios of thousands of Tableau Public authors who are available for hire.
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