Tableau Developer Tools
Extend Tableau with developer tools and APIs to meet your organization’s needs.

Embedding API
Use the Tableau Embedding API to integrate Tableau visualizations into your own web applications.

Postman Collection

Tableau Extensions API
With our Tableau Extensions API, developers can create viz extensions that provide customers new viz types and dashboard extensions that help customers to integrate and interact with features or data from other applications directly in Tableau.

Hyper API
Automate your interactions with Tableau extract (.hyper) files. You can use the API to create new extract files, or to open existing files, and then insert, update, delete, or read data from those files.

Connector SDK
Build a new connector that you can use to visualize your data from any database through an ODBC or JDBC driver.

Analytics Extensions API
Extend Tableau calculations to dynamically include popular data science programming languages, tools and platforms and create integrations similar to Tableau’s integrations with TabPy and MATLAB.

Subscribe to events in Tableau, then capture them in your app or trigger custom workflows.
R Integration
Import R packages, libraries or any of your saved data models into Tableau.
TabPy framework allows Tableau to remotely execute Python code and saved functions.