Tableau Research Adding Speech Interaction to Tableau Gestures Matthew Brehmer 17 Ноябрь, 2023 Tableau Research demonstrates the use of gesture and speech interaction in parallel to deliver compelling augmented reality video presentations about data to remote audiences. Tableau Research OSCAR: Creating More Meaningful Bin Breaks Vidya Setlur 9 Декабрь, 2022 How to choose a meaningful binning approach that supports data exploration or the story you want to tell your audience. Future of Data Using Augmented Reality for Touchless Interaction with Visualizations Matthew Brehmer 12 Октябрь, 2022 Tableau Research leaders demonstrate the ability to interact with viz overlays by simply pointing at them in live webcam video. Subscribe to our blog Get the latest Tableau updates in your inbox. 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Tableau Research Adding Speech Interaction to Tableau Gestures Matthew Brehmer 17 Ноябрь, 2023 Tableau Research demonstrates the use of gesture and speech interaction in parallel to deliver compelling augmented reality video presentations about data to remote audiences. Tableau Research OSCAR: Creating More Meaningful Bin Breaks Vidya Setlur 9 Декабрь, 2022 How to choose a meaningful binning approach that supports data exploration or the story you want to tell your audience. Future of Data Using Augmented Reality for Touchless Interaction with Visualizations Matthew Brehmer 12 Октябрь, 2022 Tableau Research leaders demonstrate the ability to interact with viz overlays by simply pointing at them in live webcam video.