Iron Viz

Enter the 2025 Qualifier by October 31

Step into the spotlight with data.

Iron Viz—the world ultimate data visualization competition—is back! Submit a viz for this year's Qualifier theme of entertainment for a chance to dazzle with data at the world’s ultimate data visualization competition. What is entertainment? It’s any activity or performance designed to provide enjoyment. It can take many forms, including movies, television shows, music, sports, games, and theater. 

Watch the Qualifier kickoff event replay to learn more about the competition and get insider tips from previous finalists as they share their secrets to crafting a winning entry. 

Keep scrolling for more even more details, resources, and...oh yes...prize information.  

On the hunt for some data?

While you're able to use any data set related to the theme, check out the Data + TV and Data + Movies data sets, powered by IMDb with thousands of data points to leverage to get you started. Just download the starter kit of your choice and follow the directions.

Data + Movies Data + TV

Another great data set to use is the #GamesNightViz "Press Start" package which includes data on over 10,000 games.


What is Iron Viz?


Iron Viz is the world’s largest data visualization competition. What began as a breakout session at Tableau Conference 2011 has grown into a global phenomenon and become a core part of the Tableau Community. Three Iron Viz contenders take center stage and have 20 minutes to tell the most compelling story using the same data set. Like the qualifier leading up to it, contestants’ vizzes are scored based on analysis, storytelling, and design. It is something you must see to truly understand.

What to expect

How do I enter?

1. Download Tableau Desktop

You will need Tableau Desktop to create your visualization. Download and install the free version of the software, Tableau Desktop Public Edition.

Download Now

2. Create a Tableau Public profile

Only visualizations published to a Tableau Public profile will be considered valid entries for the contest. If you don't already have one, create a profile on Tableau Public.

Create a profile

3. Get the data

Any data set you find interesting related to the theme! Need help finding a data set? Here are some tips from 2017 Iron Viz finalist Jacob Olsufka. On the hunt for some data? Check out the Data + TV and Data + Movies data sets, powered by IMDb, with thousands of data points to leverage below.  

Data + TV

Data + Movies

4. Submit your viz

Publish your visualization to Tableau Public profile (learn how to do this here). Be sure the data you're using data can be shared publicly. Once published, submit a link to your published visualization to enter the contest. The Iron Viz Qualifier Contest ends on October 31, 2024 (11:59 p.m. PT). Rules can be found at the bottom of this page.

submit Now


Judging Criteria



Visual elements add to the overall understanding of the visualization rather than distract

Interactivity and layout are user-friendly, instructed/specified, and purposeful

Charts are clearly presenting the data

Charts contain a title, summary, and/or caption

All charts contribute to the story

Accessibility is applied - colorblind/low vision (contrast) friendly palette, limited use of images to convey text, font size larger than 12pt



Viz topic aligns with contest theme

Dataset and calculations appear to be accurate and clean

Analysis illustrates profound insights grasped from visualizations

Analysis supports the story being told

Analysis has been mostly produced within Tableau

Analysis highlights a broad range of Tableau capabilities



A clear story is being told

Story flows through visualizations and guides consumers from question to insight

Visualizations and animations support the story being told

The story includes a unique idea or perspective

The story being told has complexity/nuance that elevates the visualizations.

Storytelling captures and maintains interest throughout the entire viz

Go behind the build with our 2024 finalists

What to expect as we look forward to the 2025 championships? Watch Iron Viz: Behind the Build, where our 2024 finalists spent time talking through the technical skills and strategies they employed on the main stage with their sous-vizzers.


Chris Westlake

Chris and his sous vizzer, JP King discuss what it takes to build a winning visualization.


Pata Gogová

Pata and her souz vizzer, Peter Jönsson, discuss technical and creative decisions that took her to the championship stage.


Jessica Moon

Jessica and her sous vizzer, Kim Vitiello discuss fantasy and building under pressure.

Contestant Resources


Content Type




Create a compelling Iron Viz qualifier entry in ten steps


8 resources to kickstart your Iron Viz entry


How to get ready for the next Iron Viz competition


How to find the best sources for free, public data sets


How to save vizzes on Tableau Public


A beginner's guide to Tableau Public


Planning out your build process & time saving tips

VIDEO series

Behind the Build with Iron Viz finalists


First time Iron Viz participants share their experience


Storytelling with data

Powered by Tableau Public

Grow your data skills with Tableau Public

Tableau Public is the backbone of Iron Viz. This free platform allows users to explore, create and publicly share data visualizations online. It is also the world's largest repository of data visualizations. Utilize it to advance your career in analytics by learning from limitless data inspiration and creating an online portfolio of work.

Get started on our free platform

Qualifier Contest FAQ

Iron Viz is the world’s largest data visualization competition. Three worthy contestants take center stage in front of a global audience and have 20 minutes to deliver a compelling and awe-inspiring story using the same data set. 



Announcement Date

Submission Deadline

Iron Viz Qualifier


October 1, 2024

october 31, 2024

The 2025 Iron Viz Qualifiers theme is entertainment. Entertainment is any activity or performance designed to provide enjoyment. It can take many forms, including movies, television shows, music, sports, games, and theater.

For questions on whether your data set meets the theme criteria, please reach out to with subject line 'Theme Question.'

Please refer to the official rules for the qualifier contest:

One entry per person. If you need to make changes to your viz after submitting, please make those changes prior to the submission deadline.

This qualifier contest allows for any data. Please ensure the data set(s) you choose are related to the theme.  Looking for a dataset that’s ready for stardom? Check out the Data + TV and Data + Movies starter kits, powered by datasets from IMDb with millions of entertainment data points to leverage.

Please be considerate of others, and do not use a data set that might be found overly offensive. We would also like you to consider image rights when including visuals in your visualization. For specific eligibility questions, please reach out to

If possible, provide a link to your source(s) in the footnote or description of your viz and allow 'Download' for the viz you submit. This allows others to learn from your work, just as you can learn from others. Making vizzes downloadable can be done by signing in to Tableau Public, click on the viz you created, and checking the box "Allow workbook and its data to be downloaded by others", then click save.

You may contact Tableau Public at, please include Viz Contest in the subject line. Note that submissions can only be made via the submission form.

A panel of judges comprised of Tableau ambassadors, previous Iron Viz finalists, data viz experts, and guest judges will evaluate all submissions based on the following criteria:

  1. Design
  2. Storytelling
  3. Analysis

Analysis will be the tiebreaker in case two vizzes have the same overall score. Should the Analysis score also be tied, the panel of judges will make a final decision.

Scores can be provided (upon request) by filling out this form after the contest is over.

Feedback is available upon request by completing this form.

We strive to open Iron Viz up to everyone in the world. Unfortunately, due to limitations we must limit Iron Viz to those countries that are listed for this year. We continuously assess our eligible countries to be as inclusive as possible, and we hope to add more countries for 2026 and beyond.

Iron Viz: Student Edition is a competition open exclusively to students, though we encourage you to participate in both! Iron Viz: Student Edition is intended for college students looking to develop their viz skills in a challenging setting with their peers before jumping into the greater vizzing community with Iron Viz. This competition is a great introduction into the world of viz competitions. Iron Viz: Student Edition winners will have the opportunity to connect with members of the Tableau Community with a funded trip to Tableau Conference. Learn more and stay updated on the competition by visiting

Iron Viz 2025






October 1, 2024 - October 31, 2024

Iron Viz Qualifier *


  • All qualifying participants: (1) LinkedIn Badge, (2) inclusion in Iron Viz Gallery (3) highlighted across Tableau's social channels, and (4) feedback and scores upon request
  •  LinkedIn badges
  • Top 10 receive $200 gift certificate to the Tableau Gear Store
  • Top 3 finalists receive free registration for Tableau Conference 2025

April 15, 2025 - April 17, 2025

Tableau Conference 2025, San Diego

Iron Viz Championship


  • 1st place: $15,000 cash prize and $10,000 donation to a nonprofit of choice
  • 2nd place: 6,000 cash prize and $4,000 donation to a nonprofit of choice
  • 3rd place: $6,000 cash prize and $4,000 donation to a nonprofit of choice