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Tableau Prep 2024.2.1

Recomendamos usar la última versión de mantenimiento, que contiene correcciones adicionales.

Descargar Tableau Prep 2024.2.1 Descargar la última versión (recomendada)

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Después de mayo de 2023, los problemas solucionados no se publicarán más aquí y se pueden encontrar en

Problemas resueltos

ID del problema Descripción

W-16057563 When tried to connect the Salesforce Org to Tableau we are not able to see the all Objects which get introduced after Summer '23 in dashboard.

Tableau cannot access any entity introduced after 242 (Spring '23, Api Version 57.0). Fundraising entities are not visible until API 59.0 because they were not introduced until 246.


W-15317526 When Tableau Prep Builder is connected to a Published Datasource and reaches the Tableau Server/Cloud idle session timeout, the user's next actions will fail due to the error "No Tableau Server user Found. DataServiceFailure". If the login session exceeds the Data Server session timeout on the Tableau Server where the data source is published, the next action using that data source will fail. Additionally, if the user attempts to click into the Tableau Server login under "Connections", Prep Builder will go blank and hang after the "Editing Session Expired" pop-up appears with the "Resume Editing" button. This affects both Prep Builder on Mac and Windows.


W-15174776 Tableau Prep Builder and Tableau Server generate incorrect data when a flow is run.

About the flow:

The flow connects to and collects data from the customer's ERP system and Oracle Databases.

There are multiple steps involved in the flow where the data is joined and cleaned.

The output writes data back to the Oracle database.

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Incluye Tableau Prep Builder y Tableau Data Management.

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Mié, 24 Julio, 2024