10 ways to add value to your dashboards with maps

Sarah Battersby, Investigadora científica, Tableau

In state and local agencies, geospatial data is playing an increasingly important role. From public health to transportation to resource management, government agencies are relying on geospatial data in the form of maps to build powerful context, enhance understanding, and ultimately, improve decision making.

When working with data in the public sector, it’s essential to know how to create dynamic, interactive maps. Read this white paper by Tableau research scientist Sarah Battersby and learn 10 ways that state and local agencies can leverage the integrated mapping features in Tableau to create compelling visualizations, and bring deeper meaning to your dashboards.

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Sarah Battersby

Research Scientist

Sarah was a member of Tableau Research from 2015-2023. Sarah’s primary area of focus is cartography, with an emphasis on cognition. Her work emphasizes how to help people visualize and use spatial information more ...

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