Harness the power of your data in SAP products with Tableau. Connect directly to S/4HANA, SAP Business Warehouse (including BW/4HANA, BW on HANA or BW on any database) and native HANA with no special programming or configuration for immediate value, or bring the data into Tableau's blazing-fast data engine for on-the-go analysis. Tableau’s Certification for SAP HANA integration shows that together, Tableau and SAP are optimized to accelerate real-time visualization. Users can explore data effortlessly and get answers when they matter. With SAP and Tableau, you can bridge the gap between enterprise resource planning (ECC, S/4HANA) and business intelligence to create a more accountable, performance-driven culture.
Certified to Integrate with SAP HANA
Tableau and SAP HANA
Tableau's product team has worked hard to achieve official SAP Certification (HANA-BI-SQL 2.0) for integration with SAP HANA for Tableau Desktop, Server, Online, and Tableau Prep. The process to become certified is comprehensive and requires a lot of collaboration. For more information on Tableau and SAP for your Analytics, take a look at our blog post.
Read The BlogpostTableau on SAP HANA: Performance Tracing and Workload Analysis (Whitepaper)
Performance and stability are critical for the successful implementation of Tableau dashboards on SAP HANA live data sources. This whitepaper will cover how to analyze the dashboard runtime during the design process and will provide insight into monitoring the system for queries thereafter.
Read the white paperTableau and SAP S/4HANA (Whitepaper)
Customers can use Tableau to augment the pre-delivered analytical content provided by SAP for their S/4HANA deployment via the creation of targeted dashboards and reports. To enable analytics and data discovery and ensure the smooth-running operation of S/4HANA, data must be replicated from S/4HANA into a separate reporting environment. This whitepaper helps provide suggestions and best practices when it comes to Tableau and S/4HANA.
Get the white paperWebinar: Integrating SAP with Tableau
What is the best way to integrate Tableau and SAP? Watch this webinar to learn how you can connect SAP BW and SAP HANA with Tableau using a simple but fast data model to improve performance and achieve complete integration. Get started so you can begin extracting maximum value from your data!
Watch the webinarWe chose Tableau to understand our SAP data because of its ease of use and intuitiveness. It will help employees across our company to discover, understand and see trends and outliers in the numbers so they can take quick action.