AI + analytics

Tableau AI brings the future into today’s decisions

Our approach to artificial intelligence (AI) is more than just an algorithm, it is driven by practical applications to help people and organisations answer pressing questions. Tableau builds transparent AI into its platform so everyone can easily understand how predictions and insights are surfaced and why they are relevant – helping you make smarter decisions right in the flow of analysis.


Introducing Einstein Discovery in Tableau

Easily build and integrate predictive models into your Tableau workflows

Powered by machine learning (ML), Einstein Discovery brings trusted predictions and recommendations to every Tableau user for smarter and accelerated decision-making. Developed by Salesforce and now in Tableau workflows, Einstein Discovery empowers anyone from data scientists to business users to create intuitive predictive models without needing to write code.

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The future of analytics is driven by AI

Tableau's artificial intelligence provides relevant and deep insights in the flow of analysis, so you can quickly and confidently make hard business decisions.


Augmented Analytics
Augmented analytics

Confidently get answers and uncover insights faster with ML, statistics, natural language and smart data prep.

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Tableau Business Science
Business Science

Make smarter decisions faster with AI-powered predictions, what-if scenario planning, guided model building, insights, and other data science techniques – all with clicks, not code.

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Data Science
Data science

Make your statistical models more accessible directly in Tableau, with R, Python, MATLAB and more.

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Augmented analytics

We’re investing in analytical capabilities that help anyone – even those new to data analytics – get answers and uncover unanticipated insights faster through machine learning, statistics, natural language and smart data prep.


Ask Data AI

Ask Data

Allows users to ask business questions in natural language and uncover results to explore data visualisations.

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Explain Data AI

Explain Data

Discover the "why" behind insights with dynamic visualisations that allow for deeper exploration.

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Learn more about augmented analytics

Tableau Business Science

Business science is a new class of AI-powered analytics that allows people with domain expertise to make smarter decisions faster and with more confidence, recognising that not all problems require precision at the expense of speed and business context. By equipping more people with governed, no-code AI – like predictions, what-if scenario planning and guided model building – business teams can do more analysis themselves.


Simple and fast

Easily explore relevant predictions on your targeted questions.

Our Business Science technologies help you make faster decisions on your focused questions by surfacing predictions and recommendations with automated discovery and no-code ML.


Feel confident in your decisions with accessible and transparent AI.

With our Business Science technologies, we model and surface data using transparent AI, equipping you and your teams with visibility into key drivers behind the results so that you can stand behind your decisions.


Build and share your insights right where you're working.

Our Business Science technologies and deep third-party AI integrations are built right where you are working. You can easily build, deploy and operationalise custom predictive models and simulations without disrupting your analysis.


Predict where your business is going. Simply drag and drop to generate a forecast. Tableau automatically selects the forecasting model based on the data, and accounts for seasonality with exponential smoothing.

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Predictive modelling functions

New prediction table calcs go beyond the existing trend line analytics function to build a model that understands how your data is distributed around a best-fit line. Using a linear regression model by default, MODEL_QUANTILE returns a target value at a specified percentile where MODEL_PERCENTILE returns the probability of the expected value being less than or equal to the observed mark. Change the model in the expression to regularised linear regression or Gaussian process regression and get immediately see how that change impacts the predictions when compared to historical data.

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Data science

Leverage data science and analytics investments more effectively by scaling models and custom code across the organisation right in the flow of your work. Integrate and dynamically visualise the results from your R, Python, Einstein Discovery, MATLAB, and other extensions and integrations in Tableau.


R integration

Integrate R packages, statistical analysis, or any of your saved data models into Tableau visual analytics.

Python integration (TabPy)

TabPy allows Tableau to remotely execute Python code in Tableau calculations and call deployed Python functions.

MATLAB integration

Deploy MATLAB models for predictive insights, or pre-process your data using MATLAB and persist into a Tableau data extract for further analysis.

Analytics Extensions API

Extend Tableau calculations to dynamically include programming languages, tools and more. Create integrations similar to our TabPy and MATLAB integrations.